DOT | CDL Physical Exams
At Waimea Primary Care, we are proud to offer comprehensive Department of Transportation (DOT) and Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) physical examinations, essential for anyone pursuing or maintaining a career in commercial driving. Our certified medical examiner is adept at conducting thorough evaluations that adhere to the specific health and safety standards set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). We understand the importance of these exams in ensuring the safety of not just the drivers, but also the general public. Our exams focus on assessing a range of health factors, including vision, hearing, blood pressure, and overall physical condition, to certify that each driver is medically fit for the demands of the road. With efficient scheduling and a commitment to professional care, we strive to provide a seamless experience, helping drivers meet their regulatory requirements and get back on the road safely and swiftly